Wednesday, December 17, 2008

just when you think you are getting over it

it rears its ugly head again...I am talking about morning sickness. As some of you may know, one of the only reasons I was afraid to get pregnant was because I HATE to throw up (well and the fact I have to pop something the size of a watermelon out of my woo hoo). It is THE WORST thing if the world to me! My mom was sick pretty much all 9 months and everyone kept telling me you are most likely going to take after your mom.

Well, I was proud to say I surpressed every urge I have had to throw up for the last 8 weeks...until this morning. Not only have I broken my goal to not throw up during pregnancy, I have broken my 2 year streak. It usually comes on when my stomach is completely empty, I am in a hot bathroom after a shower, or I have tried to brush my teeth without eating something. I am usually able to deep breathe it out, splash cold water on my face, shove some food down my throat, or roll all the windows down on the freeway in 20 degree weather...but not this time. Jess has been anxiously awaiting the moment I actually threw up and he was grinning ear to ear when I made a run for it.

Okay, so it wasn't so bad because my stomach was empty, but I still HATE it! Anyhow, I have to say I have been damn lucky with this morning sickness thing. My stomach never feels quite right, but I am not near as sick as I know I could be. All in all I got away far. I am nearing the 2nd trimester, so we shall see how it goes. I am however, gaining energy slowly, but surely!

For those of you who cannot see the disturbing floating fetus ticker, I am a little over 10 weeks!


Heather said...

oh and it begins....i'm with ya though I hate throwing up!

Jensens said...


Meg B said...

Awe, bummer about the puking. That blows major chunks! Well, at least you have your floating baby to remind you there are only 209 days left. That doesn't sound like it is that much longer!

Me in a nut shell said...

I am right there with you sister! I read prego, and immediatly left your blog to email you! So I decided I better go read it all - and am here nodding my head in agreement to what you are going through,( having experienced exactly what you are describing) and I know you hate throwing up, -Hopefully you won't have much more of it!